We all have vices. I have many. In the last 8-12 months I have managed to get most of my dietary vices under control. . Caffeine-check. Gluten-check. Added salt-check. Fake sugar-check. Diet soda (oo this was a hard one!)-check. But the last big dietary vice that is still pistol whipping (not literally of course-although not sure how one could metaphorically pistol whip another..again I digress) is SUGAR. I am a total addict. I can preach moderation all day long, but when it comes to sugar....I have no off button. No pause. Nothing.
I think I probably knocked out all the other nasty habits first because (other than my diet soda) they were not huge issues for me. But I've gotta kick this nasty little bugger. I mean, come on, I pride myself on my healthy lifestyle and I eat whole foods, gluten free, organic (as much as my budget can stand), Tons of fruits and vegetables--and then what do I wash it down with at the end of the day...chocolate, or gluten free cookies, or ice cream. Ugh. No food is bad but eating too much of anything is no good, and truthfully...I eat way too much sugar.
I know the premise of the blog is to share ideas about living a healthy lifestyle, and I have lots of those ideas to offer. But, I don't claim to sit at my keyboard and proclaim dietary (or any other sort of) perfection. Since I have so many other vices to choose from, I figured I could part with this one and still have plenty left over.
Here is my action plan.....
1) I'm going to have to go cold turkey on this one. I did it that way for my other little challenges and although I might even have some withdrawal (like caffeine headaches) it gets out of your system faster this way. If you prefer a more gradual approach, more power to you, but like I said I can't really do moderation well sugar.
2) Get it out of the house. I don't like to waste. I really don't. But what's more of a waste--tossing the last few peanut M&M's or tossing them on your waisteline (and staying crabby and keeping up the moodswings from sugar cravings). Thanks, but I think I will toss the 56 cents worth of M&M's. Alternatively, if you have someone who can 1) control themselves when it comes to sugar and 2) is really good at hiding stuff, give your contraband to them and let them hide it away.
3) Keep more chopped veggies and protein snacks on hand. When my blood sugar starts to drop is when my sugar cravings hit hard. It makes sense because it certainly brings it back up (but only to have me crash HARDER later on). which brings me to ....#4
4) Try to eat a little bit of protein with eat meal and/or snack. If I eat an apple and balance it with a tbsp of natural (non-hydrogenated) peanut butter it satiates me and keeps me from a crash later one.
5) Suck it up. Yup. That merits it's own number. Like anything worth doing it will be a challenge, but the beauty of modifying your diet to be healthier and happier is that it is completely within your control. Your body, your decision. So when I start to moan and whine I can take solace in the fact that this is my decision and I should act like a grown up and deal. Waaaaaaaaah, I feel a moan coming on already.
The parameters for my sugar detox...
Obviously, no refined sugar. These are the things to look out for...
- White sugar
- Brown sugar
- Raw sugar
- Honey (such a shame, I love honey, but at least for a while it's off limits)
- Corn syrup
- Other syrups
- Corn sweetener
- Invert sugar
- Molasses
- Fructose
- Lactose
- Maltose
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Fruit juice concentrate
- Glucose (dextrose)
I'm also going to cut out the refined flours, as tasty as a gluten free bagel can be they tend to spike blood sugar as well and set me up for the more hardcore sugar cravings. So in the interest of not setting myself up for failure (or monster cravings) I'll put those on the back burner.
**As an aside if you drink a lot of diet soda or drinks with spenda, sweet and low, or aspartame in them it has been my experience that artificial sweeteners actually make me crave sweets more. So (if you are inclined to join me) you may want to do yourself a favor and cut those out as well.
The sugar detox is on. Perhaps once I restart my taste buds with 30 days sans sugar I will be able to add natural sugars like honey, fruit juices back in gradually.
I'll keep you posted/vent to you about this every few days. Keep you up to date on my progress, and keep me accountable.
Alright. Let's do this!
Anyone else have this little issue? Or am I the lone sugar freak?
Want to join me on my battle against this sweet substance? Please. I could use some back up. :)
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