Monday, August 29, 2011

This is Bananas! B.A.N.A.N.A.S

We've all done it. You buy a bunch of bananas at the grocery store, and you only eat half of them. What are you left with? Over ripened bananas that don't look super appealing. You can make banana bread with them but if you don't want a super sugary treat, peel those babies and put them in the freezer.

Then, next time you have a craving for something naturally creamy and sweet break those 'naners out and make some "Banana Nice Cream".

I found this recipe on Whole Foods' website and thought it might not fix my craving for ice cream. Well, I was wrong. As long as you like bananas (obviously) this is a delicious treat.

I made a single serving but this recipe can easily be doubled.


1 banana, sliced and frozen
1/4 cup skim milk (or unsweetened soy milk if you cannot tolerate dairy)
1 tablespoon smooth peanut butter (I like smuckers natural peanut butter, but you can also use almond butter)


1. Put bananas, milk and nut butter into a blender.
2. Purée, turning off the motor and stirring the mixture two or three times, until smooth and creamy.

3. Pour into bowl and serve.


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